In the Beginning, there was Taste...

At the heart of DUCASSE Paris lies a passion for cuisine, a desire to unveil authentic original tastes, to exalt their flavors and to make our clients happy.

Our Philosophy

Since its creation, our House has persevered in exploring the dimensions of taste through its restaurants, hotels and manufacturing, but also via training programs, consulting and book publishing for all those passionate about cooking.

Today, we have diverse and complementary professions.

All led by the same vision, the same conviction: the importance of eating well daily, of setting the bar high, of respecting nature and the people who participate every day in the development of DUCASSE Paris throughout the world.

restaurants spread over
3 continents and 7 countries
tons of cocoa beans
roasted per year
cultural sites
campuses in France


in numbers

DUCASSE Paris Timeline

Our Team

Alain Ducasse
Véronique Lartigue
Presidente Ducasse Paris
Pascal Féraud
Executive Head Chef
Laëtitia Blanc
Human Ressources Director
Emmanuelle Perrier
Director of External Relations
Lucie Delaye
Marketing & Communications Director
Frédéric Rivierre
Director of General Affairs
Jérôme Lacressonière
Ducasse Conseil Director
Pierre Tachon
Artistic and Brand Director* (*Soins Graphiques)
Lyonel Nowitz
Operations - Concessions Director
Quentin Vicas
Developpement Director
Jean-Philippe Zahm
Executive Director Japan

Founded by 15 French chefs, Le Collège Culinaire de France promotes quality food service in France and around the world. It participates in the growing influence of French gastronomy and supports, promotes and develops the heritage and future of our artisanal culinary heritage.

Visit The Site

Created by Alain Ducasse and Webedia, L'Académie du Goût ("The Taste Academy") is a platform whose ambition is to reunite the best of gastronomy on the web: the biggest cook book of online chefs, interactive videos, a taste encyclopedia, a French address book, and thousands of contributions by experts and gourmets.

Visit The Site

Taste of the Essence

DUCASSE Hospitalite
DUCASSE Manufacture
DUCASSE Education